Since 2011 I have been conducting seminars around Australia and New Zealand to train dentists to provide Keyhole Implant Tooth Replacement in their practices. Many of these dentists are now certified members of the Australian Society For Conservative Implant Dentistry.
If you prefer to locate one of these dentists who may be closer to your home, may I suggest you search the list of members by visiting
If however, you are able to attend our centre in Chatswood, Sydney, I would be delighted to assist you personally.
Dr. Joseph Shohmelian
Dr. Joseph Shohmelian
Suite 205 7 Help Street Chatswood Sydney
(02) 9411 5116
Dr. Joseph Shohmelian© Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
Would You Like Some Answers To Your Questions?
Please call Shannon Or Jenny on 9411 5116
Please feel free to call between 8am-3pm during the week to have a comfortable chat with either Shannon or Jenny who will most happily answer your questions. They both have extensive experience in this field and can assist in clarifying any concerns you may have. If you then wish to proceed with an examination and consultation to discuss your treatment options, a suitable appointment time can be arranged. At that visit you will obtain a clear picture of what can be done for you as well as the associated treatment costs. As a preliminary however, CLICK HERE for current fees and item numbers which will allow your health fund to quote on how much they will contribute towards the cost of your treatment.
These two videos are short and easy to watch. They describe actual clinical treatments I have performed for patients. but don't be worried, there are no graphic images!
The first one shows the replacement of a single missing tooth while the second shows the replacement of multiple lower back teeth.
If you would like to watch a few more, simply click the blue button below to gain immediate access.
Much has changed in the world of medicine and dentistry in the past twenty years .... and many breakthroughs in technology, the replacement of missing teeth has improved also. Dentures are no longer considered a permanent solution nor is it necessary to damage adjacent teeth to carry a bridge.
Surgically-placed implants have been around since the mid 1980's and have now been simplified to provide keyhole non-surgical solutions for the immediate replacement of missing teeth.
By pioneering this keyhole method in Australia back in 2003, I was able to create the most conservative, painless and immediate method to help patients who needed a simpler and more desirable option to replace their missing teeth. Until that time, the only options were removable dentures, bridges or surgery to place titanium implants in their jaws.
It is wonderful to share with you that this keyhole Implant method has improved the lives of hundreds of my patients since then with virtually painless procedures that have provided longterm successful outcomes.
Understandably, this refined technique is preferred by every informed patient because it is the least invasive method for replacing their missing teeth. It is also ideal for patients whose bone structure is so narrow that additional surgery for bone grafts is required before surgical implants can be considered. The keyhole method eliminates the need for such additional surgery!
In summary, here are the benefits you can expect from the treatments
we carry out in our practice:
With the benefit of over 40 years of experience replacing missing teeth
for my patients with all manner of implants, I am delighted to state
with confidence that this is the most ideal method to replace missing teeth,
whether you have a single missing tooth or an entire jaw of missing teeth!
No surgery, no damage to adjacent teeth and also no need to wait six months for the surgical site to heal before being able to get rid of your partial dentures! With Keyhole Implant Dentistry, the implants are placed with virtually no post-operative pain and are ready to carry temporary teeth immediately .... and permanent porcelain teeth a few weeks later!
If you would like to know more about the current options to replace your missing teeth,
let me invite you to DOWNLOAD your complimentary copy of my 155 page eBook
The detailed information I have provided in this publication will enlighten you on this topic
so please feel free to download your copy by clicking the green button opposite.
Having simplified the entire concept of dental implants since 2003, it has become
clearly evident that the vast majority of patients with whom I have consulted and
carried out these treatments, have preferred it over any other option to replace
their missing teeth. When you read my eBook, you too, will appreciate why!
My staff and I are available Mondays-Fridays to personally assist you with your
questions Simply call between 8am-3pm for assistance. Feel free to leave your
phone number and I shall return your call at the end of the day after taking care
of my patients.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Joseph Shohmelian